Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Jun 22nd 2011, 15:13 by E O Hatterpol | 1228 AU FROM SUN

"DO WHAT?!" I said in disbelief.

"Don't worry - he's secure," said the Condor reassuringly.

He threw his last bocce ball - it went way off the mark - & turned to leave the beach courts.  I didn't have any choice but to follow him.

We snaked our way through the Starbase's expansive tentacles to where Colonel Condor had anchored the Starship Dryheave.  I must confess, I felt like a bad-ass walking with the Condor's crew in my shiny new spacesuit.  I was getting all kinds of looks from the ladies!

I mean, I think I was, but I'm not much compared to the Colonel, the Roosterman & Sergeant Likes-to-Fight.  Bears in overalls beat travel writers with pink utility belts.

I got the chance to see the Colonel's killer whale up close through a suction cup window before we boarded.  It looked like the War Machine to the Starship Flybrary's Iron Man: skyscraper-sized gatling guns mounted under each flipper with bullets the size of automobiles, side-mounted rocket launchers so huge they could only be measured in acres & all manner of communications equipment like satellites & antennas.

It was a stone cold bad-ass starship, is what it was; a far cry from the peaceful public library I knew & loved.

Once inside, the Condor led me to the hallway where Captain Makemake was being held.  And suddenly I got cold feet.

"Colonel, I haven't seen Makemake since I tried unsuccessfully to murder him over a month & a half ago," I said.  "Maybe this isn't such a good idea."

The Condor gave me a quizzical look, almost as if he didn't understand fear.  Then his eyes broke into a smile & his cheeks pushed back; I couldn't actually see because of his gargantuan moustache, but I think he was smiling.

"More liquid courage, soldier!" he said jovially.  "I know just the trick.  Why don't we sit for a spell in my world-famous - nay, galaxy-famous! - Dryheave Lounge?  I'll tell you a story about that silly little chunkhead & me to pass the time."


  1. I wonder which Tar-Benders will be on duty in the Dry Heave Lounge?......all very skillful in their craft.....CC

  2. Story continues to keep us connected to the author's fabulous, creative, imagination

    The Z Dog

  3. Z-MAN!

    My initiation was epic, but y'all need to be more gentle with me next time I board the Dryheave.

    Luckily, I've recovered just in time for my date with Nixie at the StarLight Espresso Bar!
