Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Aug 10th 2011, 15:49 by E O Hatterpol | 1228 AU FROM SUN

RAVI the Bookman and I are about to take Nixie on a tour of the Starship Flybrary, but there's only one problem -- the Starship Flybrary has only been partially built!  To date, we know of:

-- The Whale's Liver, (my favourite!), a proper pub with chess boards, books and good beer, located where a blue whale's liver would be

-- The Spleen Machine by @JimboRish, a holodeck located near the Whale's Liver which was originally the source of much drunken embarassment for tippling Flybrarians until a breathalyzer was installed as a requirement for entry (Lydia Binanay's yoga & "Exercise with Nature!" are held here, as well as X-Men-style "Danger Room" scenarios)

-- The Baleen Plates Observation Deck, or "BPOD", a massive glass-plated common area styled after a whale's fibrous teeth-hairs (known to scientists as "baleen plates").  Movies are shown on a giant screen here on Fridays

-- AT LEAST one M C Escher-style spiral staircase by +Jorma Pesonen that, as far as we can tell at this point in time, leads nowhere

-- The Whale's Tummy, a massive cafeteria for all Flybrarians located roughly where a whale's stomach would be

-- The Bank by @mcaflo, an intergalactic bank and loan office at the base of the blue whale's triangular tail near the Whale's Fluke, run by an ancient, bored race known as the Quasi-Hivemind whose only respite is the challenge of keeping customer accounts stored entirely in their head; it practically eliminates paperwork but regular accounting nightmares occur each time one of them dies

-- The Whale's Blowhole, a room just under the Flybrary's blowhole to be used later when breaming technology upgrades at Starbase Octopus have been completed.

-- The Whale's Fluke by @KillitCoco, which if I recall correctly is a beatnik jazz lounge in either the left or right half of the blue whale's triangular tail

-- The bookstacks, a gargantuan collection of books that starts off neatly arranged by popularity on shelves, then less so, then a little less so, and finally way in the back becomes huge rolling mountains of old paperbacks and broken hardbacks and some gems (Ravi the Bookman woke up under one of these mountains, a product of the pressurized heat of a great deal of books, outer space and most likely some science-magic)

-- With a Z: Ultimate Elite Lazer Tag Arena by @AndrewW85, which is a hot spot for big get-togethers on Saturday nights & located near one of the blue whale's kidneys

-- That one bathroom under the blue whale's left flipper that I like to use when I want to take a #2 in privacy

-- The Four-Armed Alien by @mcaflo, an interstellar arcade in which four-armed aliens curbstomp you pitilessly with their biological advantages 

-- My cramped bunk, which is "somewhere around the roof of [the blue whale's] mouth, so to speak, but I'm still getting my bearings."

-- And all by @Korallieam: possible underground activity at the Whale's Bowelsgarbage disposal system and septic tank at the Whale's Kidneys, pantry stocked with food and water at the Whale's Ballast (out of bounds to non-personnel), possible smoking lounges at the Whale's Joints, air ducts running throughout known as the Whale's Capillaries, main energy and pipe conduits inside the Whale's Spine, databanks and officer quarters at the Whale's Frontal Lobe, Carptain's quarters and meeting rooms for conferences at the Whale's Cerebellum, guard stations at each of the Whale's Lymph Nodes, jokes, pranks, comics, dress-ups and other hijinx at the Whale's Ribs, atmospheric regulation at the Whale's Brainstem, sick bay at the Whale's Colon, kitchens where we can hopefully scavenge tidbits off befriended cooks at the Whale's Pancreas, the Whale's Gall Bladder, where personnel relax to avoid interacting with passengers before heading to the ice-skating rink just off the Whale's Gall Bladder that's linked to a variety of gymnasiums, courts and fields, engine rooms with four main points of entry at the Whale's Heart (authorised personnel only), passenger quarters at the Whale's Sinuses, and a series of personal cubicles where one may strengthen the brain with holographic puzzles and virtual musical instruments or simply relax with mood music known as the Whale's Ears.


Leave what you've built in the comments section below, on Facebook, Google+ or @EOHatterpol.  Storyline ideas can be mailed to EOHatterpol[at]gmail[dot]com.

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